

Events are the cornerstone to Guest Manager

Jeff Blake
Written by Jeff Blake Updated over a week ago

View events

From the left hand sidebar, choose Events, then either “Upcoming” for active events, or “Past” for past events.



Upcoming are yet to happen events.


Once an upcoming event is over, it moves into the Past area.

Filter and sort

There are many filters available. For example, to list all the events at a particular venue and recurring event, select the venue(s) from the “Venue” dropdown, and the appropriate recurring events from the “Recurring event” dropdown.


Some columns can be sorted by. If the column can be sorted, you will see direction arrows next to the name of the column. Click it to toggle between ascending and descending order.

Delete an event

Please note that an event cannot be deleted if:

  • There are completed orders (denoted by the “Registered” column)
  • An import is currently in progress

To delete an event, first locate the event in Events > Upcoming. Then, click the red “Delete” button. If the delete button is not visible, then see above on the conditions in which an event may be deleted.

delete event