Shopify event capacity setting

Jeff Blake
Jeff Blake

New feature alert! By popular demand I am happy to announce the ability to set an overall event capacity for sales. For example, if you have multiple ticket options (Adult, Child, Senior) but need to ensure only X number of tickets are sold across all options, then event capacity is for you!


It’s as easy as enabling it and setting the capacity when editing the event. For multi-date events, the capacity is set for each individual date, meaning if you set the capacity to 100, and you’ve set up 5 dates, you will be selling a total of 500 tickets (100 per date).

To learn more about how this new feature works, head on over to the help article on how to set up the event capacity.

If you run multiple locations for inventory within Shopify, please get in touch so we can better understand your needs.

Minor changes

  • When creating an event, the summary now displays the total inventory to be created, to reduce confusion when using multiple dates and/or the new capacity feature
  • Streamlined the interface for adding multiple dates under an event

What’s coming soon?

  • Using Shopify inventory as the default
  • Recurring/repeating events (e.g. daily 9-5pm at 1 hour intervals)
  • Automatically taking variants and products off-sale when an event is over